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Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall be responsible for tracking membership levels and trends and providing recommendations to the Board and Officers to expand membership numbers and engagement as applicable and necessary.

Social Media Committee

The Social Media Committee shall be responsible for considering and providing recommendations for marketing and advertising purposes that further the mission, goals, and objectives of the Association to the Board and Officers as applicable and necessary.

Development Committee

The Development Committee shall be responsible for researching, considering, and providing recommendations to the Board and Officers to expand the number of or amount of donations provided to the Association. The Fundraising Committee shall also research, consider, and provide recommendations to the Board and Officers regarding other methods of raising funds consistent with the mission, goals, and objectives of the Association.

Scholarship Committee

The Scholarship Committee shall be responsible for providing recommendations to the Board and Officers for qualifications and processes to identify students deserving of scholarship funds in a manner consistent with the mission, goals, and objectives of the Association.

Student Activities and Support Committee

The Student Activities and Support Committee shall be responsible for managing the interaction between the Association and student organizations, on-campus events, and other matters relating to current students except those matters as may be the responsibility of a separate Committee.

Information Committee

The Information Committee shall be responsible for assisting the Board and Officers in the process of informing and educating the Association of incidents of infringement on First Amendments rights.

Get Involved: List



Get Involved: Text

The TRA welcomes volunteers from the Membership to help in any of the following areas.




Website Contributors






Special Projects



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