About Us
During the summer of 2020, a group of dedicated but concerned Aggies created The Rudder Association to put the “Aggie” back in Aggieland and ultimately in accordance with our name, to steer a better course for education in Texas.
For decades, Texas A&M University has produced patriotic leaders of character who promptly became productive citizens. Its unique mix of official traditions, coupled with the true Aggie culture, enabled Texas A&M to create a continuous source of graduates with the fiber and fortitude necessary to meet the challenges of contemporary society. The consensus is that those things that Aggies hold sacred and dear have been eroded or, in some cases, lost. If not casually neglected, they are directly assaulted. Our country needs a constant supply of leaders of character. The recipe for that product includes the core values and the culture that has made Texas A&M unique and special. The Rudder Association, Inc. proposes to honor, protect, and defend those things that make Texas A&M different and exemplary.
By being separate and independent of the University, The Rudder Association will have the objective to observe and document when the Texas A&M core values and the Aggie culture are recklessly ignored or modified.
Our Mission is to defend and perpetuate the core values of respect, excellence, leadership, loyalty, integrity, and selfless service at Texas A&M. We provide a voice for Aggies who honor its Values, Traditions and Culture. We are Aggies to the Core!
Preserve, Defend and Perpetuate the Texas Aggie Core Values and Texas Aggie Culture for Former Students, Current and Future Students.